comp 1850 | introduction to web design and development


first class

Updated Jan 14, 2015


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed)
Chapter 1 and start on start on Chapter 2


Mozilla Developers List of HTML Elements
List of HTML5 tags.

Hobbes' Internet Timeline
A classic treatment of the Internet's history.

World Wide Web Consortium
Defining standards for the web. Even though not everyone adheres to them.

The Web Standards Project
Working for a better web.

A Brief History of the Internet
Want to know a bit more about where and how the whole "Interweb" thing started?

HTML code tutorial
Basic tutorials on various HTML elements.

second class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed)
More of Chapter 2 and intro to CSS in Chapter 3 (inline only)

Further Information:

HTML basics
The WC3 site for HTML basics.
Empty tags
Youtube video on empty tags (no closing tag). Note that HTML5 now accepts the "bottom option"
Using Notepad++ to catch coding errors
Also describes using a template file.
Overlapping tags in HTML
Otherwise known as nesting issues.
Logical vs. physical HTML Tags
An answer from yahoo questions acknowledging the terms are rarely used but nailing the issue.

third class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed)
Chapters 4 and 8; and Chapter 3 embedded CSS p. 89-91

Further Information:

How we really use the web
A sample chapter from Don't Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to build web sites for fun or profit.

The Web Style Guide: Chapter 2: Interface Design
I warned you you'd see this site again!

Optimal Web Design: Designing for Usability
A series of fascinating academic articles by Michael L. Bernard on what makes a web site usable and why.

fourth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed.)
Chapter 3

Further Information:

W3Schools CSS Resources
Tutorials and examples.

An excellent tool that let's you compare screen type styles for your CSS use.

Best web design practices for the start of 2011
Tips like "avoid clutter".

fifth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed)
Chapters 6 and 7

Further Information:

house of style
From westciv software, an extensive CSS resource centre. They also make some CSS software and provide training services.

CSS Zen Garden
The same page content. Multiple designers. No tables. See what's possible when you know your CSS tricks.

Fear of Style Sheets
An older article, but informative.

CSS Positioning
Mike Hall explains how CSS layout boxes should work.

sixth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed.)
Chapter 5 and 10

Further Information:

Navigation Design
From Chapter Seven of "The Non-Designer's Web Book, 2nd Ed." by Robin Williams and John Tollett.

Information Architecture Tutorial
An introduction to IA brought to you by Webmonkey.

boxes and arrows
A peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of the information architecture community.

CSS Navigation Techniques
A gallery of Navigation techniques created using CSS. Dropdown menus, image replacement and other advanced methods for giving your navigation some character while still keeping it semantic.

seventh class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed)
Chapter 5

Further Information:

Adobe Photoshop Basics - Lessons 1 and 2
A comprehensive online course teaching the basics of Adobe Photoshop. Lessons 1 and 2 are an overview of the workspace and working with documents. If you don't have a copy of PHotoshop, you can do the course from our lab at BCIT.

Getting Started with Photoshop Tutorial
A great "getting started" tutorial starting with the interface and leading to more advanced and fun stuff.

eighth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed.)

Further Information:

CSS Slicing Guide
Learn how to turn a Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or Fireworks template into a fully sliced, coded and XHTML and CSS valid web page.

Web 2.0 Design Kit
This tutorial will show you how to create some of the more popular "Web 2.0" design effects using Photoshop.

A great resource for tutorial on all kinds of design techniques for Photoshop, CSS, Flash and more.

ninth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed.)
Chapter 9

Further Information:

Read me file for formmail.php
This is the configuration notes for the php script we will use in class in week nine.

Usability and HTML Forms
In-depth article by Andrew Starling that makes some great points regarding complex form design issues.

Forms That Work
Support site for the book written by Caroline Jarrett and Gerry Gaffney. Multiple resources here, but hasn't been updated for a while.

tenth class


Web Development & Design Foundations (7th ed.)
Chapter 14

Further Information:

JavaScript Resources:
W3Schools JavaScript Tutorials
WebTeacher JavaScript Tutorial
WebMonkey JavaScript Section
30 JavaScript Primers
JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 1 - from Sitepoint
JavaScript World Book Site
Complete JavaScripts

eleventh class


comp 1850 home | about the course | readings | assignments | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | xhtml & ftp | 03 | images & tables | 04 | css: colour & text | 05 | css: page layout | 06 | site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | design techniques | 09 | forms | 10 | client-side scripting | 11 | ssi, video & analytics | wednesday at bby | thursday at bby | thursday at dtc | dave tanchak | jeff parker | lynda williams | benjamin yu | students on bcitwebdev | textbook website | my.bcit | D2L login example projects | | bcit | bcit: computing |