comp 1850 | introduction to web design and development

lecture three

UPDATED Apr 26, 2016


  • Embedded CSS / Class & ID - Chapter 3 PPT
  • Hands-On Practice 3.2 & 3.4
  • Hands-On Practice 4.1 & 4.2
  • Graphic elements - Chapter 4 PPT
  • Hands-On Practice 4.5 & 4.6
  • Tables - Chapter 8 PPT
  • Hands-On Practice 8.1 & 8.2
  • Hands-On Practice 8.3 & [Optional] 8.4
  • readings

image references

  • images are inline elements
  • <img> - image element, also an void tag
  • usage: <img src="/images/widget_logo.gif">
  • one of the most essential (and attribute-heavy!) tags
  • primary attributes:
    • source of image (src):
      e.g., <img src="images/widget_logo.gif">
    • dimensions (width, height) in pixels:
      e.g., <img src="images/widget_logo.gif" width="574" height="99">
    • alternate display (alt):
      e.g., <img src="images/widget_logo.gif" width="574" height="99" alt="widget logo">
  • why do we need to be specific?
    • the more you can tell the browser about the structure of the document, the faster it will be served up to the user - and speed is crucial to this medium

urls and your directories

  • files can be organized in different ways, and each way will have an impact on your URLs and how you link to them in anchors and image refrences
  • linking within a single folder:
    folder eg one
  • relative file structure:
    folder eg two
  • segregated file structure:
    folder eg three
  • quick intro to stylesheets

    • cascading style sheets don't require any fancy software or plug-ins - just rules
    • a CSS rule defines what the HTML should look like and how it should behave in the browser window
    • three parts to a CSS rule:
      • selector {property: value;} = rule
      • selector - can be HTML, class or ID (see below)
      • {property: value;} = declaration
      • properties identify what is being defined: font-family, font-weight, font-size, color, etc.
      • values are assigned to define the nature of the property: verdana, bold, 16pt, green, etc.
    • three base types of CSS rules, as determined by their selector:
      1. HTML selector - the HTML selector (P, H3, etc.) is used to redefine how the tag displays:
        p {font: bold 16pt verdana;}
      2. Class - a "free agent" rule that can be applied to any tag at your discretion:
        .introhead {font: bold 48pt verdana;}
      3. ID - work like class selectors, but usually apply to only one element on the page:
        #mainnav {position: absolute; margin-top: 20px;}

    introduction to tables

    • originally intended for displaying tabular data - information in rows and columns
    • quickly became indispensible to web designers looking to adhere to design principles of alignment and proximity
    • common uses:
      • data display - schedules, statistics, etc.
      • text alignment - indents, columns, additional whitespace, etc.
      • page layout - establishing a layout grid for page elements such as headers, navigation, content, etc.
    • markup behind tables is a bit tricky and not entirely intuitive:
      • constructed in rows, but columns are implied by number of cells in each row
      • a 3x3 table consists of 3 rows, but we must be sure to include 3 separate cells within each row for table to display as intended
    • tables can be nested within tables allowing for complex and dynamic page layouts

    table elements

    • three elements required to make a table: <table><tr><td></td></tr></table>
    • <table></table> - signifies that you are creating a table
    • <tr></tr> - delimits a table row
    • <td></td> - delimits the data in a table cell
    • a sample table:
      <tr><td>top left</td><td>top right</td></tr>
      <tr><td>bottom left</td><td>bottom right</td></tr>
    • table attributes:
      • border - draws lines around your table: <table border="1">
      • width - specifies width of table in percentage or pixels:
        <table border="1" width="300">
      • cellpadding - adds space (in pixels) around objects in table cells:
        <table border="1" width="300" cellpadding="10">
      • cellspacing - adds space to borders between cells:
        <table border="1" width="300" cellpadding ="10" cellspacing="10">
    • as with many attributes, there are default values - if you want them set to "zero" you must specify
    • <td> attributes
      • width - width of cell in pixels
      • align - alignment of elements in cell (left (default), center, right)
      • valign - vertical alignment of elements in cell (top, middle (default), bottom)
      • colspan - cell spans 2 or more columns
      • rowspan - cell spans 2 or more rows
      • bgcolor - often specified in hexidecimal code (e.g. #ff0000)
    • <tr> tag can also accept align, valign and bgcolor to apply the same values to an entire table row
    comp 1850 home | about the course | readings | assignments | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | xhtml & ftp | 03 | images & tables | 04 | css: colour & text | 05 | css: page layout | 06 | site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | design techniques | 09 | forms | 10 | client-side scripting | 11 | ssi, video & analytics | wednesday at bby | thursday at bby | thursday at dtc | dave tanchak | jeff parker | lynda williams | benjamin yu | students on bcitwebdev | textbook website | my.bcit | D2L login example projects | | bcit | bcit: computing |